When You Eat Something, Do You Really Know What You Are Putting In Your Body? Even Thou…

When you eat something, do you really know what you are putting in your body? Even though something may be healthy, it could be full of GMOs! A GMO, or genetically modified organism is any organism that has DNA altered. For example, chickens can be bred to lay eggs with stronger shells or fruits and vegetables can resist pets naturally. Some people see only these benefits, but they aren’t looking at the danger involved in making GMOs. People should be aware of danger of GMOs so they know to avoid them. 1. WHAT IS THIS ESSAY ALL ABOUT? 2. IS THIS ESSAY INFORMATIVE OR ARGUMENTATIVE?

paki ayos ha, di ako nakikipag biruan.​


1.The essay is about your body and what you put inside of it if its healthy or not.And it its about GMO(Genetically modified organism is any organism that has DNA altered and its example

2.Its an Informative Essay

why:its written with main purpose of informing the audience about an object,person,event and phenomenon in short you gathering some information

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