What Is In The Poster That Would Make You Accept The Invitati…
what is in the poster that would make you accept the invitation to join the conference
Poster as an Invitation
A poster is an invitation for a large number of people, to attract more audience and to encourage the masses on the set criteria or topic that poster is referring to. It is one of the important things to put effort to when there is an upcoming conference and since we are inviting people to come and to make them interested in the conference the poster should contain:
Complete Information such as:
- Time
- Place or Venue
- Guest speakers
- Sponsors (If there is any)
- The title or the main focus of the Conference
- The group of organizers (just the name and logo will do)
What should the poster contain to make people join the conference?
- Attractive design of the poster
- Popular speakers or who sponsored it
- The name of the group of organizers (Because if it is from a international supporting group then people will expect more therefore come in the conference)
Links for other relating topics:
Posters: https://brainly.ph/question/361175
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