What Are The Technical Theater Terms For Drama
what are the technical theater terms for drama
Here are some technical theater terms commonly used in the field of theater and drama:
1. Proscenium: The arch or frame separating the stage from the audience in a traditional theater setup.
2. Apron: The part of the stage that extends beyond the proscenium arch towards the audience.
3. Wings: The areas on either side of the stage that are concealed from the audience.
4. Fly system: A system of ropes, pulleys, and counterweights used to raise and lower scenery and props on stage.
5. Backdrop: A painted cloth or set wall that forms part of the scenery on stage.
6. Cyclorama: A large curtain or wall at the back of the stage that is used as a background for lighting effects.
7. Gobo: A thin metal or glass plate with a pattern cut out of it that is placed in front of a light source to create a patterned light effect on stage.
8. Gel: A colored plastic sheet that is placed in front of a light source to create a colored light effect on stage.
9. Dimmer: A device used to control the intensity of light on stage.
10. Cue: A signal given to an actor or technician to indicate when they should perform an action or change something on stage.
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