The Total Cost Of Gasoline Varies Directly As The Amount Of Gasoline Much Is 20…
the total cost of gasoline varies directly as the amount of gasoline much is 20 liters of gasoline is 3 liters is 141.00?what is the constant variation?
Answer: 3/20 = 6.7 x 141 = P9,447.00
Step-by-step explanation:
Solved gasoline solve transcribed. Solved significantly increases gasoline price answer problem been has. Solved cars and gasoline are complements. what will happen
W varies jointly as x and y and inversely as the square of z. if w. Solved 16. when the price of gasoline gets high consumers. The amount of gasoline used by a car varies jointly as the distance
Solved solve the following: 1. the amount of gasoline used. Gasoline varies often regions. Solved 16. when the price of gasoline gets high consumers