► Sequence Chart This Graphic Organizer Is Composed Of Several B…

► Sequence Chart
This graphic organizer is composed of several boxes connected by
arrows. It shows a series of steps or events in the order in which they take place.
The first box contains the first event in a chronological sequence and the last box
contains the last event. This graphic organizer is perfect for writing or reading a
short story, understanding the flow of a series of historical events, or
understanding how flashbacks fit into a novel. Any concept that has a distinct
order can be displayed in this type of organizer.


  • 1st- arrows. It shows a series of steps or events in the order in which they take place. The first box contains the first event in a chronological sequence …
  • 2nd- Students will use “first, next, last” as key words to guide them as they analyze text. … This graphic organizer has five main events and students are scaffold with key … This is great visual to build reading comprehension.
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