Roy' Allowance I 500 A Week. He Pent 80 For Tranportation And 225 For Meal Ang Nack. Ho…

Roy’ allowance i 500 a week. He pent 80 for tranportation and 225 for meal ang nack. How much money can he ave in 4 week.

Answer: $780

Step-by-step explanation:

Roy gets $500 a week. This his how much he gets in a week without spending. If he spends $80 on transportation, he now has $420 left, because 500 – 80 is 420.

If he spends an extra $225 for meals and snacks, he will have $195 left, because 420 – 225 is 195.

After expenses, he now gains $195 a week, meaning in four weeks, he will have $780 because 195 x 4 is 780.

Hope this answer helped.

Roy' Allowance I 500 A Week. He Pent 80 For Tranportation And 225 For Meal Ang Nack. Ho…

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