Llustrate The Agents Of Erosion And Explain How Each Of Them…
llustrate the agents of erosion and explain how each of them causes erosion.
There are four main agents of erosion:
1. Wind
2. Water
3. Gravity
4. Human (animals)
1. Wind. The force exerted by the wind blows away a certain amount of soil. Mainly the top layer of soil is carried with the wind as this layer is composed of small particles that are loosely packed and is easily eroded. Over time, wind can also erode hard layers of rock, this often occurs on areas that are exposed to constant strong winds.
2. Water. Basically, when water flows is takes with it soil and small rocks. During heavy precipitation the top soil is carried as water flows from high ground. Among the four main agents, water is the most destructive.
3. Gravity. Basic Law of natures says that anything that has mass is affected my the Earth’s gravitational pull. This means that any object at a certain height is potentially capable of being moved downward. The same goes for soil and rocks.
4. Human (animals). Humans and animals are living creatures that are capable of movement. Whenever there is movement, interaction within the environment is inevitable. Erosion by animals is mainly due to continuous movement from one place to another.