Learner's Name: Grade & Section: Date: LEARNING ACTIVITY SHEET IN ENGLISH 8…

Learner’s Name: Grade & Section: Date: LEARNING ACTIVITY SHEET IN ENGLISH 8 Worksheet No. 2.1, Quarter 4 Task 1: Complete Mel Directions: Copy the graphic organizer on a separate sheet of paper and fil in the blanks with appropriate concepts and definitions. Choose your answers from the Pool of Concepts provided.​


Pool of Concepts:

– Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCCs)

– Spectrogram

– Frequency

– Amplitude

– Mel Scale

– Fourier Transform

– Audio Signal

Concept | Definition


Audio Signal | The pattern of air pressure changes that produce sound.

Frequency | The number of cycles of a sound wave completed per second.

Amplitude | The height of a sound wave representing its loudness.

Fourier Transform | A mathematical tool to transform a signal from time domain to frequency domain.

Spectrogram | A visual representation of sound signals in 2-dimensional frequency-time domain.

Mel Scale | A non-linear mapping of frequencies used in audio signal processing.

Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCCs) | The most common feature representation technique for audio signal in speech recognition systems. It captures information about the human perception of sound.

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