It’s Fun To Read How Did A Dictionary Begin To Exist? Read The Legen…
It’s Fun to Read
How did a dictionary begin to exist? Read the legend below.
The Legend of Dictionary
by: Ruel B. Diaz
A long time ago, people have no idea about words and their
Dicson Nary, a migrant who loved traveling the world, saw a small
group of people talking with each other. He wondered what they were
talking about. His curiosity started then. He began listening to others’
conversations, and day by day, new words were being added on his list.
He was very patient searching for new words. He went to the different
parts of the world looking for words that can be added on his word list. He
continued searching for words. One day, he visited Merriam Webster, the
most intelligent man in the world to ask for help.
“I have listed words but how could this be used by the people
easily?’’, asked by Dicson. The two great men arrived into the idea of
listing words in a way the alphabet is ordered. Dicson never stopped
looking for words. He didn’t notice that the number of words on his list are
becoming more and more. People used to visit his house for one reason.
All of them asked the same question, “Dicson what is the meaning of this
word?” Days went on, Dicson had become known in the world as a man
of words.
In honor of his great work and passion for words, the book that
contains thousands of words and meanings was named after him. It was
called dictionary. “For him, words were already part of human lives. You
just have to discover its meaning by understanding how they were being
used by us. All of us can make a dictionary. But not all can. Because
patience had pushed me going forward to do my passion.”
Answer the following questions based on the legend that you have read.
1. Describe the people a long time ago.
2. Who is the migrant in the legend?
3. What made him curious about the meaning of words?
4. What did he do to the words gotten from the conversation of other
5. Where did he ask for help?
6. Describe Merriam Webster.
7. How are words arranged in Dicson’s list after asking help to Merriam
8. What is the contribution of Dicson to the world?
9. What can you say to Dicson? Is Dicson worthy to idolize? Support your answer.
thanks you for the points
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