Hi Paanswer Po, Thank You :) 1. In The Day After Tomorrow, The Protagonist Stru…

hi paanswer po, thank you 🙂

1. In the Day After Tomorrow, the protagonist struggles in surviving an apocalyptic event.?

Man vs. Man
Man vs. Self
Man vs. Nature
Man vs. Supernatural
Man vs. Technology
Man vs. Society

2. Shutter Island presents the protagonist as he ventures to a mental asylum only to find out that he was also the antagonist.?

Man vs. Man
Man vs. Self
Man vs. Nature
Man vs. Supernatural
Man vs. Technology
Man vs. Society

3. The Conjuring Series is a series of movies that has protagonists battling forces beyond science.?

Man vs. Man
Man vs. Self
Man vs. Nature
Man vs. Supernatural
Man vs. Technology
Man vs. Society

4. War of the Worlds is a movie that presents a world torn apart by alien invasion.?

Man vs. Man
Man vs. Self
Man vs. Nature
Man vs. Supernatural
Man vs. Technology
Man vs. Society

5. Clash of the Titans is a mythological movie that pretty much tackles all of greek mythology where the characters are fighting against beings of mythic proportions.?

Man vs. Man
Man vs. Self
Man vs. Nature
Man vs. Supernatural
Man vs. Technology
Man vs. Society​​


  1. man vs neture
  2. man vs self
  3. man vs technology
  4. man vs society
  5. man vs supernatural
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