Find The Base 50 Is 8% Of What Number? 20% Of What Number Is 15? 12 Is 4% Of What Numb…
Find the base
50 is 8% of what number?
20% of what number is 15?
12 is 4% of what number?
80% of what number is 5?
7 is 70% of what number?
60 is 75% of what number ?
8 is 20% is what number?
2.25 is 9% of what number ?
75% of what number is 1/2?
49 is 87.5% of what number
first question:625
second question:75
third question:300
4th question: 6.25
5th question: 10
6th question:80
7th question:40
8th question: 25
9th question:?
10th question:56