Science Archive

Ito Na Po Yung Isang Pic Na Latani Nung Isa Ska May Ito Po Yun Katabi Nito MMZOVWX…

ito na po yung isang pic na latani nung isa ska may ito po yun katabi nito MMZOVWXY​ Explanation: pa buo po ng pic para po matulungan ko po

Ways To Dispose Properly ​

ways to dispose properly​ Answer: Take recyclables such as glass, plastics and paper to a local recycling center. If your neighborhood has a recycling pick-up, leave it out in

Additional Activities Directions: Given A List Of Drinks In The Box, Pick O…

Additional ActivitiesDirections: Given a list of drinks in the box, pick only one drink that you can prepare athome and make a journal entry using the guide questions below.

It Is The Main Opening Or Outlet On The Surface Of A Volcano…

It is the main opening or outlet on the surface of a volcano that emits lava, gases, ash or other volcanic materials. * Answer: A vent is an opening

It Is The Study Of The Relationships Between Humans And Otter Organisms…

it is the study of the relationships between humans and otter organisms, and their environment a. ecology b. biology c. geology d. hydrology ​ Answer: b. biology Explanation: Because

Write The A Brief Story And What They Discovered/studied/expe…

write the a brief story and what they discovered/studied/experimented/formulated gas law. 1.ROBERT BOYLE 2.JACQUES CHARLES 3.JOSEPH LOUIS GAY LUSAAC 4. LORENZO ROMANO AMADEO CARLO AVOGADRO​ Good Day ROBERT BOYLE

I. Read Each Question Carefully. Encircle The Letter Of The BEST Correct Answer. 1. Hann…

I. Read each question carefully. Encircle the letter of the BEST correct answer.1. Hannah loves to drink milk tea. This food drinks contain a lot of sugar. Which is

When You Plug In The Lampshade One Electrical Outlet What Is…

when you plug in the lampshade one electrical outlet what is being produced​ ➢Note: when you plug in the lampshade one electrical outlet what is being produced? ✎【Answer:】 ═══════════════════

WHAT TO DO (PROCEDURE) Hold A 20-peso Bill. Observe Its Characteristics. Then, List T…

WHAT TO DO (PROCEDURE) Hold a 20-peso bill. Observe its characteristics. Then, list them on the T-chart below. Classify the listed characteristics whether it is a qualitative observation (can