As Committed Citizens, What Advocacy Can You Make Based On Mother Mary Being…
As committed citizens, what advocacy can you make based on Mother Mary being an inspiration to uplift the youth of today.
Mother Mary was known not only for her virginity. She was known to be an obedient woman of God. She loved and trusted God, and though she was only 14 years of age and without a husband yet, she courageously said yes. She was submissive to God.
She was humble. She realized that she was a nobody from Nazareth (Luke 1:48), yet she claimed that she was blessed only by God’s grace. She was self-sacrificing. She was pregnant, but she still went to her cousin Elizabeth (who was old and pregnant) to help her. Also remember, Mary may have thought of the whole world while carrying and taking care of the son of God. She was spiritual (Luke 1:46-55) and she was a true woman of faith and a good role model for women of all ages.
After all, God would think only what is best. Mary didn’t become Jesus’ mother just because. God chose her because she was a good person. He knew that Mary will be a good mother to Jesus.
Whatever Christian denomination one belongs in, Mary is an inspiration. With her trusting heart and strong will to follow God, she is the epitome of how a true Christian should be.
The advocacy I will make is to have pure intentions, not only in terms of sexual purity, but also in submitting to God in everything we do, and following whatever He says. It is being sacrificial and doing things for our neighbor. Those can only be done through having a deep relationship with Him. Youth should always remember these so that just like Mary, we can be selfless and love God more than anything since everything should be about him.
We can be the difference this world needs.
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