Activity 1:Fill In The Blanks Directions:Fill In The Blanks The Cor…

Activity 1:Fill in the Blanks

Directions:Fill in the blanks the correct answer.

1._________is a collection of graphics you can utilize to organize information within your document.It includes timelines,processes,or workflow.

The four ways in creating a table are:





6._____________is a translusent image that appears behind the primary text in a document.

7.Click the Watermark you want for the document or click___________and create your own watermark

8.All____________can be resized by clicking the image and clicking on corner of the image and dragging the cursor to the size you want picture.

9.____________allows you to insert special characters, symbols, pictures, illustration, and watermarks.

10.To insert pictures, place you’re__________in the document where you want the illustration/picture

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1. SmartArt is a collection of graphics you can utilize to organize information within your document.It includes timelines,processes,or workflow.

The four ways in creating a table are:

2. Inserting visually via the table grid

3.Inserting via the table menu

4.Drawing your table

5.Inserting a preformatted Quick Table

6.Watermark is a translusent image that appears behind the primary text in a document.

7.Click the Watermark you want for the document or click Custom Watermark and create your own watermark

8.All images can be resized by clicking the image and clicking on corner of the image and dragging the cursor to the size you want picture.

9. Insert tab allows you to insert special characters, symbols, pictures, illustration, and watermarks.

10.To insert pictures, place you’re cursor in the document where you want the illustration/picture

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