21. The IETF Standards Documents Are Called A.) RFC C.) ID B…
21. The IETF standards documents are called
a.) RFC
c.) ID
b.) RCF
d.) None of the mentioned
22. Which data communication method is used to transmit the data over a serial communication link?
a.) simplex
c.) full duplex
b. Half-duplex
d.) all of the above
23. What is the minimum header size of an IP packet?
a.) 16 Bytes
b.) 10 Bytes
c.) 20 Bytes
d) 32 Bytes
24. What is the size of MAC address?
a.) 16 Bits
b.) 32 Bytes
c.) 48 Bits
d.) 64 Bytes
25. How many layers does OSI Reference Model has?
a.) 4
b.) 5
c.) 6
d) 7
26. Which of the following is not the networking devices?
a.) Gateways
b.) Linux
c.) Routers
d.) Firewalls
27. DHCP Server provides
to the client.
a.) Protocol
c.) MAC Address
b.) IP Adddress
d.) Network Address
28. What is the address size of IPv6?
a.) 32 Bit
c.) 128 Bit
b.) 64 Bit
d.) 256 Bit
29. What is the size of source and destination IP address in IP header?
a.) 4 Bits
b.) 8 Bits
c.) 16 Bits
d.) 32 Bits
30. A set of rules that govern all aspects of information communication is called
a.) Server
c.) Protocol
b.) Internet
d.) OSI Model
31. Which of the following type of cable that is used for telephone and Ethernet networks?
a.) coaxial cable
c.) Fiber optic Cable
b.) twisted pair
d.) Multimode cable
_32. What type of cable that has a thicker core than in
21. The IETF standards documents are called
a.) RFC
c.) ID
b.) RCF
d.) None of the mentioned
22. Which data communication method is used to transmit the data over a serial communication link?
a.) simplex
c.) full duplex
b. Half-duplex
d.) all of the above
23. What is the minimum header size of an IP packet?
a.) 16 Bytes
b.) 10 Bytes
c.) 20 Bytes
d) 32 Bytes
24. What is the size of MAC address?
a.) 16 Bits
b.) 32 Bytes
c.) 48 Bits
d.) 64 Bytes
25. How many layers does OSI Reference Model has?
a.) 4
b.) 5
c.) 6
d) 7
26. Which of the following is not the networking devices?
a.) Gateways
b.) Linux
c.) Routers
d.) Firewalls
27. DHCP Server provides
to the client.
a.) Protocol
c.) MAC Address
b.) IP Adddress
d.) Network Address
28. What is the address size of IPv6?
a.) 32 Bit
c.) 128 Bit
b.) 64 Bit
d.) 256 Bit
29. What is the size of source and destination IP address in IP header?
a.) 4 Bits
b.) 8 Bits
c.) 16 Bits
d.) 32 Bits
q30. A set of rules that govern all aspects of information communication is called
a.) Server
c.) Protocol
b.) Internet
d.) OSI Model
31. Which of the following type of cable that is used for telephone and Ethernet networks?
a.) coaxial cable
c.) Fiber optic Cable
b.) twisted pair
d.) Multimode cable
_32. What type of cable that has a thicker core than in
schematic duplex texturing
Horizontal spindle type duplex surface grinding machine, local 250 km. Schematic duplex texturing. 125v duplex receptacle surface 15amp plugs receptacles electrical
125v duplex receptacle surface 15amp plugs receptacles electrical
350g packing 250g surface abu. Extension socket outlet gang duplex surface type switch earth china portable dual eu details. Horizontal spindle type duplex surface grinding machine, local 250 km
Surface duplex 15amp receptacle 125v. 1000mm 350g duplex printing karton kertas thedarlingbakers. Surface wso
surface converting
Surface converting. Surface treatment of duplex stainless steel s39240. Schematic diagram of duplex treatment: (a) type one: surface texturing
Horizontal spindle type duplex surface grinding machine, local 250 km. Leviton surface duplex receptacle, white. Duplex does pastels