The Princess In The Sky Dry That No Plants Would Grow. On Ps 11-142, S…

The Princess in the Sky dry that no plants would grow. on ps 11-142, show the correct sequence of episodes using the story grammar k with a partner Read the short story below. Using a graphic organizer Long, long ago, says an old indian story, there were no rivers in India. All the places below the mountains were very flat. In the hot weather, the land became so Up in the Himalayan mountains dwelt the god, Siva, Above him in the sky and wept to see how the sun had burnt up all the land. As her tears fell on the soil Ganga was soft and gentle. Sometimes, she looked down on the plain below #only Ganga would come down among us,” the people would cry. “Then One day, a holy man prayed to Siva on the mountaintop and asked him to “Your prayer is answered,” replied the god, and he asked the princess if she Aved the beautiful Princess Ganga. opps began to grow perhaps we should have more food to eat,” bring Princess Ganga down to earth. was willing to do as the people wished, 1 will come,” she answered. the mountaintop where Siva had his dwelling. Now, Siva was a large god with long, She floated gently down from the cloud where she lived. She reached first long hair, which offen blew out like a net in the strong winds that howled round the peaks of the Himalayas. Princess Ganga was caught in this net. Siva know many magic spells, but he had never come across a spell that would set free a prisoner in his own hair, outcome Ganga struggled in vain. As she struggled, the jewels in her white robe were stered all over the mountaintops. That, says the story, is why the tops of the malayas are always white. At last, the princess thought of a way to release herself. She begged Siva tum her into water, so that she could slip easily through the net of his hair.

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TIME – Long, long ago

PLACE – India, specifically in the Himalayan mountains

MOOD – Sadness, despair, hopefulness


  1. Siva – the god who dwelt in the Himalayan mountains
  2. Princess Ganga – the beautiful princess who lived in the sky
  3. Holy Man – the person who prayed to Siva to bring Princess Ganga down to earth

Title: The Princess in the Sky


BEGINNING – In the hot weather, the land became so dry that no plants would grow. The people cried for Princess Ganga to come down from the sky to help them.

RISING ACTION – The holy man prayed to Siva to bring Princess Ganga down to earth. Siva agreed and asked the princess if she was willing to come down. She agreed and floated gently down from the cloud where she lived. However, she got caught in Siva’s long hair, and struggled to free herself.

CLIMAX – Princess Ganga begged Siva to turn her into water so that she could slip easily through the net of his hair.

FALLING ACTION/DENOUEMENT – Siva agreed to turn her into water, and she was able to slip through the net and flow down to the earth.

RESOLUTION/OUTCOME – Princess Ganga’s water flowed down to the plain below, bringing life and fertility to the once-dry land.