The Three Musketeers Proclaim Their Motto As “All For One, One For All.”What Goes This…

The three musketeers proclaim their motto as “All for one, one for all.”What Goes this motto mean”?

This is simply means the
solidarity support coming from each individual to the group, and the group to
each individual.  This is not just a mere
support but a heartfelt PLEDGE should be given by the group to his members, and
likewise an individual member to the group.


Another thing in this
motto is the genuineness and loyalty of each of the members in the group.  They are saying probably to each one of them
the words “no matter what happens…” 
And true to this word, there are friends really who can stand the
pressure, not even death can befall their friendship.  It is really an “all for one, one for all,
united we stand, divided we fall.”

For more information about
the Three Musketeers, please find time to visit

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