Option B: Choose A Persuasive Essay, Or An Editorial Article From A Lo…

Option B: Choose a persuasive essay, or an editorial article from a local or national newspaper (or the essays given in this module), and then rate its contentusing the rubric below. Justify your rating by writing a two to three-sentence feedback about the essay, particularly on the arguments presented. (Note: If the total score is below 12 points, suggest ways on how the persuasive essay can be improved.) Criteria Excellent (5) Good (3) Needs Improvement (1) Focus/ Content The writer’s stand about the issue is very clear. Problems, solutions and call for action are presented. The writer’s stand about the issue is clear; however, he failed to clearly present and discuss the problems and solutions, hence the conclusion is rather vaguely related. The writer doesn’t have a clear stand about the issue. Likewise, he failed to discuss the problems and possible solutions, and didn’t make a call for action. Clarity of Ideas The text presents clear and sound arguments, as well as authentic evidences that support the arguments Most of the arguments are clear and sound, but there are some evidences that do not support them, or are not related to the topic. The arguments are not quite related to the issue, and the facts and evidences provided do not support the arguments. Development/ Organization There is logical arrangement of statements, and the There is logical arrangement of statements, but the The content of the essay/article is not organized, from thetopic is developed

thoroughly with

examples and supports.

topic is not very well

developed because of

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lack of examples and


thesis to the arguments

and evidences; hence the

text is not

comprehensible to the


Language Use

and Mechanics

The writer used

language that is

appropriate for the

target audience, and

has good choice of

words and expressions.

The text displays very

minimal errors in

spelling, punctuation

and grammar.

The writer used

appropriate language,

and word choice is

generally suited for the

audience and the topic.

However, there are quite

a few glaring errors in

spelling, punctuation

and grammar.

The language used and

word choice are not

appropriate for the

audience and the topic.

There are also too many

errors on the text,

making reading and

comprehension difficult.



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