HEALTH 1. A Dimension Of Health Which Refers To The Ability To Buil…
1. A dimension of health which refers to the ability to build and maintain harmonious and satisfying
A Emotional
B. Mental
C. Physical
0. Social
2. Julie always maintain the cleanliness in their backyard. What dimension of health does lulle develop?
A. Environmental B. Mental
C. Moral-spiritual D. Physical
3. Adolescent girls experience the onset of menstruation, what health dimension was being described?
A Emotional
B, Mental
C. Physical
D. Spirtual
4. The following are healthy habits to achieve holistic health, EXCEPT
A Eat unhealthy foods
B. Attend mass every Sunday
C. Communicate with family and friends D Undergoes vision test to assess my visual acuity
5. Mary Judiel is in the state of exploring personal relationships which develops closeness and committed
relationships to other people. What stage of human development is being described?
A Adulthood
B. Old age
C. School age
D. Young adult
6. Which of the following is common mental change among adolescence?
A. Easily offended and sensitive to criticism
B. Begin to distinguish rules that are negotiable and non-negotiable
C. Think less of themselves, allowing them to think and reason better
D. Explore and ask broad unanswerable questions about the meaning of life
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