If You Were An Ambassador Of Fitness, How Will You Promote So…

If you were an ambassador of fitness, how will you promote social dances?

Answer and Explanation:

First and foremost, it would be essential for ambassadors of dance to encourage the idea that “dancing is not an activity only for people who are physically fit”. Secondly, it will be important that ambassadors spread the message that dancers need not be labeled as “hipsters” or judged because they enjoy dancing. Ambassadors should change the stigma associated with dancing and make it known that it is fun and can be enjoyed by anyone. Moreover, social dancing is a great way to meet people, make friends, increase confidence, and become more outgoing.

Ambassadors should be present at social dances and hold workshops where they teach the participants how to dance. It will also be beneficial for ambassadors to hold charity events or classes once in a while in order to raise awareness about dancing as an activity that helps others stay healthy.

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