5. What Could Happen If A Can Opener Is Not Included In The Emergency Kit…

5. What could happen if a can opener is not included in the emergency kit?

a. You would run out of water.

b. You might need more batteries.

C. You would have trouble staying warm.

d. You might not be able to eat the food you brought.

B. Directions: Write TRUE on the blank before the number if the statement given is correct; if not,

write FALSE.

6. A cause and effect text explains reasons and results of the phenomena or

happenings, situations and trends.

7. A paragraph is a group of related sentences that support a main idea.

8. A graphic organizer helps in understanding cause and effect relationship.

9. We can use the information found in an outline or graphic organizers in planning

to write a paragraph composition.

10. Graphic organizers are not helpful in organizing, clarifying or simplifying

complex information.







10. false


hope it helps pa brainly nlang thankz

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