II. MULTIPLE CHOICE 11. It Is A Form Of Communication That Allows Students T…

11. It is a form of communication that allows students to express their thoughts and feelings, to
organize their knowledge/ideas and beliefs into convincing arguments, and to convey meaning through a
well-constructed text.
a. Writing
b. Essay
c. Blog
d. Vlog
12. The statements below are characteristics of an argumentative essay. Which statement does not
a. It requires the writer to investigate the topic. b. It collects, generates, and evaluates evidence.
c. It requires heavy phrases and dialogs
d It narrates the story.
13. This is the part of the essay that introduces the problem and the background information needed in
the argument.
a. Introduction
b. Body
c. Conclusion
d. Reference
14. It restates the main claim and provides general statements to summarize an argument
a. Introduction
b. Body
c. Conclusion
d. Reference
15. It contains logical reasoning. Each paragraph that it contains has a topic sentence and supporting
a. Introduction
b. Body
c. Conclusion d. Reference
16. Something that you can prove to be either true or false.
a. Persuasive Essay
b. Informative Essay C. Fact
d. Opinion
17. It is how a person or thing feels about something.
a. Persuasive Essay
b. Informative Essay C. Fact
d. Opinion
18. This element of writing shows organization of ideas and information.
b. Unity
a. Coherence
d. Content
c. Mechanics
19. This group
of words are used to show connection and sequence of ideas and information in writing
a. Phrases
b. Conjunctions c. Transitional devices d. Prepositions
20. This element of writing shows a sequence of ideas and information.
b. Unity
a. Coherence
d. Content
c. Mechanics

See also  A. From The Given Topics And Arguments, Choose One Topic, And Write An Argumentative Es...


11. A

12. D

13. C

14. B

15. B

16. A

17. D

18. D

19. A

20. C
